April 2023

As we begin observance of another “passion week” with this Palm Sunday, I would like to share my latest song with you all, in hope that it will bless you. I was inspired to write new words for the famous tune called “Jerusalem” by Parry. I know I am no William Blake (who composed the words originally set to that tune), but I wanted to write something that would summarize that terrible-wonderful week in a form at least remotely matched to the beauty of the melody.

So, I call my poem-lyrics “Week of Change” — you can find those words below along with two videos following. The first video is a recording of me singing these lyrics. The second is a recording of the original tune with words.

To shouts of praise and smiles bright

Enters our Lord the city’s gate

What! Days so short have changed the minds

Of those who scream out His fate

They cry with hate, with blinded hearts,

For what God planned since time began

And thus the perfect Lamb knows such pain

For sake of we, the ones who’ve sinned

They weep while wrapping Him in cloths –

Faithful the few who follow still

And lay Him in a borrowed tomb,

They watch as door’s mouth is sealed

But, lo, to their great shock and joy

On this third day, He lives again!

Our Jesus crushed the curse of death

And stands, eternal life to give!

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